How to clone weed : Our Guide
We believe the best source of plants to grow in your grow room will always be to clone weed from great plants you have grown and know. When you start plants from clones you solve several possible problems before they occur.
Advantages of Cloning
- The new plant will always be a female, so you will not have to waste resources and grow room space growing a male plant that you then need to destroy when it shows its gender
- You will know the likely size and growing characteristics of the plant, it will be the same as the “mother” plant if you treat it the same.
- The quality of the “high” you will get from your crop will be that same as the “mother” plant, if you grow and harvest it the same.
- Because of the ability to control the above variables you will want to get a great “mother” plant and maintain and manage it to be your clone weed source.
Step-by-step Guide : Clone Weed
When you are ready to start the process to clone weed, follow the below steps:
- Disinfect all your tools and clean all the necessary equipment: scissors or razor blades, rooting cubes, hormone, an LED grow light, plastic cups, marker pen, and labels for your clone. Also clean all the surfaces that your clones will come in contact with.
- Choose a mother plant that shows all the attributes that you want to clone. The plant should be four to five weeks old.
- Choose a branch that is both healthy and strong. The size must be in between 1/8 to ¼ inches across its mother stem. Using scissors or a sharp blade, make a cut (45 degrees) across the stem just above the third node down. Note: Try to avoid crushing the stem in this step.
- The lower three leaves must be trimmed off. Ensure that you are able to cut them off at the node.
- Across the leaf, trim the residual leaves in a half horizontal manner, thus preventing them from bottom water and overlying.
- Avoid any embolisms (air bubbles) from getting in the bottom of the stem. Do this by filling one of the plastic cups with 20 percent water and place the cutting there. Note: Each cup can hold up to 10 clones depending on size.
- Use water to soak your medium. After which, create a hole for your cutting. Make sure that it’s large enough. Avoid impurity by using a separate container to hold the rooting hormone.
- Up to the starting node, dip every cutting in the hormone solution. Follow the hormone creator’s instructions if you have any. However, just ensure that the stem has been covered evenly. In a careful manner, insert the cutting into the medium.
- Maintain the moisture at high levels by watering the medium in equal manner. Just water lightly because there are still no roots present in the clone. You can also squeeze the medium to eliminate excess water.
- With every cutting, label it with the date you have done the procedure along with the type of plant.
- For 18-24 hours, place the clones at least 4-6 inches under an LED grow light. You can also use a 2500k CFL bulb and do the same.
- Begin heating your medium using an incandescent bulb or a heat pad put under the cuttings. Desirable results is guaranteed between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Note: a more dynamic root system is produced when the growing medium is warmer compared to room temperature, particularly up to 5 degrees warmer than room temperature.